Wednesday, April 20, 2011

So American!

I have been through renovations on two homes.
I've lived through base boards, painting, tiling, plumbing, wood work, electrical work, cement work and landscaping.
We've pushed up our sleeves and tried a little bit of all of it.
So why, oh why, oh why, do I think I can do a home improvement project and have it all go well?
Where does this inner-Pollyanna come from?
Somebody should grab her blond curls and smack some sense into her.

We got the counters in today.
I think they are beautiful.
They are still wrapped in paper while they "cure" for 24 hours.
The Artist put our new European faucet in tonight.
It's a piece of art.
Apparently Europeans don't get egg crust on their plates because the advertised "powerful spray" looks more like aerated drip.
Maybe this has something to do with the strict European rules for water.
No ice.
No pressure.

No Way.

I'm too dang American. Might have to send back that super sleek piece of art and get a....
That sprays.

It wouldn't have been a real project unless a monkey got in the wrench, right?

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